Herbert M. Singer International Conference Series.
First Session: The Fiscal Issue
Chair: Suzanne Patt Benvenisti, Taub Center
Trends in Funding Israel’s Healthcare System
Prof. Dov Chernichovsky, Taub Center and Ben-Gurion University
Private Health Insurance in Israel from an International Perspective
Dr. Tuvia Horev, Ministry of Health
Taxation vs. Alternative Funding for Ensuring Welfare Services
Prof. Zvi Eckstein, IDC, Herzliya
Discussant: Dr. Adi Brender, Bank on Israel
Second Session: Supplemental Insurance in Other Countries
Prof. Wynand van den Ven, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Prof. Konstantin Beck, Director of CSS Insurance Mathematics and Statistics, Switzerland
Dr. Mark Bassett, Former Director of Public Policy, Bupa Group, United Kingdom
Roundtable Discussion
Chair: Prof. Meir Oren, Director,Hillel Yaffe Medical Center
Prof. Roni Gamzu, Director General, Ministry of Health
Dr. Avigdor Kaplan, Chairman, Clal Group
Prof. Avia Spivak, Ben-Gurion University
Closing Remarks: Prof. Dov Chernichovsky, Taub Center and Ben-Gurion University