Executive Director Prof. Avi Weiss, Senior Researcher Eitan Regev, and Researcher Hadas Fuchs presented Taub Center findings to Parliamentary Assistants in the Knesset.

About 25 parliamentary assistants from across the political spectrum assembled in the Knesset for a Taub Center briefing on Israel’s socioeconomic condition. After refreshments and mingling, the group heard presentations from Executive Director Prof. Avi Weiss, Senior Researcher Eitan Regev, and Researcher Hadas Fuchs. Prof. Weiss kicked off the event by discussing occupations at risk; namely, the types of jobs that are likely to become automated in the coming years, and the types of jobs that are unlikely to be replaced by computers due to the skills that the occupations require. He proceeded to discuss trends in Israel’s education system, including gender and demographic shifts in higher education, as well as gender and demographic shifts in the labor market. Prof. Weiss concluded his presentation with a discussion of the high cost of living in Israel, focusing specifically on the reasons behind Israel’s notably high food and housing prices as well as measures that could drive these prices down.

Following Prof. Weiss, Senior Researcher Eitan Regev briefed the parliamentary assistants on the research he and Gilad Brand conducted on productivity in Israel. Regev discussed the growing productivity gaps between Israel and other OECD countries and examined multiple factors and industries that are stunting the growth of Israel’s productivity. Researcher Hadas Fuchs presented on Israel’s current parental leave policies, how they compare to those of other OECD countries, and the proposals she and Liora Bowers put forth in a recent Taub Center policy brief on the subject. Fuchs also spoke about trends in education, employment, and housing among young adults in Israel.

The Taub Center is committed to providing reliable, non-partisan policy research to decision-makers in Israel. We hope that parliamentary assistants from across the political spectrum will continue to utilize our research findings in doing their important work in the Knesset. Thank you to all those who joined us!