Taub Center study finds that poverty rates among Israeli elderly are the lowest in the developed world – but are also the highest 28.10.2013

50% of Israel’s elderly are below the poverty line according to their market income – that is, before taxes and welfare.  This is the lowest market income poverty rate in the developed world. 21% of Israel’s elderly are…

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A new Taub Center study that will be presented at a special meeting of the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee reveals findings on patterns of employment and income for the older population in Israel 21.10.2013

Employment rates for those aged 55-74 have increased in the past decade Per capita income in households of those aged 65 and over rose significantly in the same period Despite this, income gaps between Jews and Arab Israelis grew…

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A new Taub Center study reveals a further deterioration in the state of Israel’s higher education 07.10.2013

The country’s top universities have fewer senior faculty positions today than they did four decades ago. Since 1973, the number of students per professor has more than doubled. The universities have moved away from employment of higher costing…

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