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Young Children Below the Poverty Line
18.12.2023In 2018, almost one-third of young children (up to the age of 4) in Israel lived below the poverty line...
- Yael Navon Liora Bowers
Bereavement and its impact on inequality
08.11.2023The Taub Center has published a new study that examines the impact of a loss of a nuclear family member...
- Taub Center Staff
Free Early Childhood Education: Challenges and Policy Alternatives
18.01.2023The past year has seen increased pressure to expand free early childhood education and care to include all children under...
Tracking and its effect on the social mobility of high school students in the 1990s
30.05.2022From the early 1970s until the mid-1990s, in response to patterns of inequality that had emerged during the early decades...
- Taub Center Staff
The School Health Services: Between Privatization and Nationalization
28.03.2022The student health service is an organization with a long history and undeniable importance. Great significance is ascribed to these...
- Taub Center Staff
A Peek into the State of the Nation Report 2021
30.01.2022The coronavirus pandemic was one of the greatest shocks sustained by Israel in recent years – economically, socially, educationally, and...
- Taub Center Staff
Supervised Daycare for Infants in Arab Society: Enrollment, Barriers and Policy Recommendations
28.12.2021Among researchers and professionals in the field of early childhood, there is currently a broad consensus that comprehensive, accessible and...
- Taub Center Staff
Youth Bulge, Violent Crime, and Shortages in the Israeli Arab Marriage Market
19.12.2021There is broad consensus in the literature regarding the positive correlation between, on the one hand, a large cohort of...