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Teach Your Children Well
22.11.2010Preliminary research conducted by Taub Center Deputy Director Prof. Ayal Kimhi that will appear in the Center’s next State of...
- Taub Center Staff
On Uniformity of Teacher’s Pay and Their Position Relative to Other Salaried Workers
17.10.2010The current research examines the relationship between the uniform national pay scale for teachers, where the range is relatively limited...
- Nachum Blass Dmitri Romanov
Fertility and Educational Achievement: Israel in a Comparative Perspective
05.10.2010In Israel, fertility rates are very high in relation to developed countries. As a result, Israeli families are relatively large,...
- Yariv Feniger Yossi Shavit
Mind the Gap: An Inside Look at Israel’s Education System
21.09.2010Affirmative action policies have managed to reduce resource inequalities between different socioeconomic groups within school sectors, but have been much...
- Taub Center Staff
Education, Employment and Long-Term Trends
22.07.2010The State of Israel faces several severe problems in the socio-economic realm: high levels of poverty and income inequality, and...
- Taub Center Staff
A Demographic Look Ahead at Israel
21.05.2010In 1960, 15 percent of all primary school pupils were enrolled in either the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) or in the Israeli...
- Taub Center Staff
The Israeli Education System: A Domestic Perspective
13.04.2010This situation has potentially more damaging implications due to the fact that the achievements of Arab Israeli and ultra-Orthodox pupils in core...
Israel’s Education System – An International Perspective and Recommendations for Reform
13.04.2010The achievement levels of Israel’s children are consistently below those of each country in the reference group of 25 OECD countries in...
- Dan Ben-David