test test
The State of Israel’s Education and its Implications
22.11.2011The Taub Center’s annual State of the Nation Reports have put a bright spotlight on the impact that education has in...
- Dan Ben-David
Israel’s Educational Achievements
09.11.2011Even without the inclusion of ultra-Orthodox boys – who do not participate in the exams – the Israeli average achievement...
- Dan Ben-David
Education Reform and Narrowing Educational Gaps in Israel
02.10.2011The education system tries to minimize these gaps with its emphasis on the accomplishments of weaker socioeconomic sectors. Nevertheless, stronger...
- Yossi Shavit Vicki Bronstein
The Demographic Cost: Birth Rates and Achievement on International Tests
02.10.2011Research has shown that these two variables, family size and class size, adversely affect academic achievement. International studies show that...
- Yariv Feniger Yossi Shavit
Female High School Matriculation Rates Pulling Away From the Males
12.03.2011Access to higher education in Israel requires the successful completion of high school bagrut (matriculation) exams in core subject areas. Due to...
- Taub Center Staff
Have the Achievements of the Education System Deteriorated
07.03.2011The current work is not meant to prove that the situation in the education system is satisfactory. The achievements of...
School Discipline and Scholastic Achievement in Israel
09.02.2011The current paper briefly summarizes a larger study on school discipline in Israel, its determinants, and its relation to pupil...
Higher Education, Less Employment Inequality
21.01.2011The strong relationship between education and employment has been found across developed countries. More educated workers are more likely to...
- Taub Center Staff