Integration of Arab Israelis and Jews in Schools in Israel


An absolute majority of Israelis live in homogeneous Jewish or Arab localities, work in separate workplaces and attend separate schools....

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Trends in the Development of the Education System


The professional education qualifications of teachers have improved, and the great majority of them now have higher education. The learning...

Developments in Israel’s Education System


Two prominent features are the rising share of enrollment in unofficial recognized Arab schools and the growing trend of extending...

The Ministry of Education Budget 2000-2014: Trends and Issues


This paper has two goals.  The first is to describe the Ministry of Education budget in the years 2000-2014. The...

Classroom Discipline and Student Achievements


Since this Report, the issue of learning environment has risen to the forefront of education policy discussions in the country. As...

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  • Taub Center Staff

Bagrut Exams: Issues and Recommendations for Reform


This policy paper shows that the bagrut qualification rate amongst populations that take the exams have indeed risen consistently; there...

Arab Israeli Teachers in Jewish Schools and Jewish Teachers Working in Arab Schools


The reasons for this separation are both practical and ideological. That division is required given the demographic, political and ideological...

Trends in the Internationalization of Israeli Schools


The decentralization and privatization trends in Israel, as in other countries, have created a heterogeneous and dynamic system, characterized by...

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  • Miri Yemini