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Kids these days: the socioeconomic situation of young adults in Israel
22.12.2015Each generation embodies its own attributes, values, standards, and work ethic. Generation Y, known as the millennials generation, is composed...
- Taub Center Staff
Inequality in the Education System: Who Opposes It and Who Benefits from It?
20.12.2015As early as the 1960s, the struggle for equality and narrowing gaps in the education system has been one of...
Education and Employment Among Ethiopian Israelis
22.10.2015A few months ago, widespread protests among the Ethiopian-Israeli community arose, resulting from feelings of discrimination and oppression within the...
- Taub Center Staff
Do the Math: The connection between math bagrut units of study and salary levels
22.07.2015Math is seen by many as the most important subject that is learned for the bagrut (matriculation) exams, although it...
- Taub Center Staff
Education and Employment Trends Among Ethiopian Israelis
22.06.2015The education level of those who came to Israel at an older age is low. Though their employment rate is...
- Taub Center Staff
Show Me the Money: The Ministry of Education Budget 2000-2014
11.06.2015The State budget, and in particular the Ministry of Education budget, expresses the priorities of the government in allocating available...
- Taub Center Staff
The Importance of the Level of High School Math Studies to the Academic Studies and Future Careers of Israeli Students
22.04.2015The study found that employment was higher among those who took a bagrut [matriculation] exam of at least 3 units...
- Ayal Kimhi Arik Horovitz
Vote Smart Israel – Education
22.02.2015Each brief is a quick read and provides a snapshot of each issue at large in just a few lines. The...
- Taub Center Staff