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Demographics in the Education System: Pupil Composition and Transfers between Education Streams
05.09.2016This paper discusses the demographic developments that characterized Israel’s education system between 2000 and 2015, focusing on transfers between the...
Affirmative action at work: education funding from municipalities and the Ministry of Education
29.06.2016Funding of education in Israel is divided between the central government, municipalities, households, and non-profit educational organizations. While the bulk...
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- Taub Center Staff
A track to success: Israeli educational tracks and attainment in high school
31.03.2016The recurring debate on vocational education in Israel showcases a deep ideological divide within the Israeli public. On the one...
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- Taub Center Staff
Tracking and Attainment in Israeli Secondary Education
25.01.2016The debate in Israel over the role of educational tracking and particularly technological/vocational education is related to socioeconomic and ethnic...
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- Carmel Blank Yossi Shavit Meir Yaish