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Supervised Daycare for Infants in Arab Society: Enrollment, Barriers and Policy Recommendations
28.12.2021Among researchers and professionals in the field of early childhood, there is currently a broad consensus that comprehensive, accessible and...
- Taub Center Staff
Youth Bulge, Violent Crime, and Shortages in the Israeli Arab Marriage Market
19.12.2021There is broad consensus in the literature regarding the positive correlation between, on the one hand, a large cohort of...
Enrollment of Arab Children in Supervised Daycare
23.11.2021Currently, there is broad consensus among researchers and professionals that comprehensive, accessible, high-quality education frameworks for young children (from birth...
- Shavit Ben-Porat (Madhala) John Gal Labib Shami Avner Elizur
Preschool Attendance through Age 3 and Its Impact on Academic Achievement in Grade 4
23.11.2021The environment during a child’s first years of life has a major impact on their life outcomes. Therefore, positive experiences...
New preschool standards for a new year
12.09.2021As it does every year, September 1st marked the start of the new school year for Israeli children. This year,...
- Taub Center Staff
Bringing Israel’s South to the center of the policy discussion
23.08.2021The general perception of Israel’s geographic periphery, namely the country’s North and South, is that these regions contain larger concentrations...
- Taub Center Staff
The fourth first day of school in a year
26.02.2021We are nearing the one-year mark since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and, once again, students have started to...
- Taub Center Staff