Supervised Daycare for Infants in Arab Society: Enrollment, Barriers and Policy Recommendations


Among researchers and professionals in the field of early childhood, there is currently a broad consensus that comprehensive, accessible and...

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  • Taub Center Staff

Returns to Education and Labor Market Experience in Israel


The connection between human capital and employment and wages has led to a great deal of discussion in economic research...

The Education System: An Overview


Key findings: The share of students in Arab Israeli education is declining, while the share in Jewish education is stabilizing: Over...

Youth Bulge, Violent Crime, and Shortages in the Israeli Arab Marriage Market


There is broad consensus in the literature regarding the positive correlation between, on the one hand, a large cohort of...

Preschool Attendance through Age 3 and Its Impact on Academic Achievement in Grade 4


The environment during a child’s first years of life has a major impact on their life outcomes. Therefore, positive experiences...

Enrollment of Arab Children in Supervised Daycare


Currently, there is broad consensus among researchers and professionals that comprehensive, accessible, high-quality education frameworks for young children (from birth...

As we approach the new academic year: Overeducation in Israel


The new academic year is approaching and this is a good opportunity to discuss higher education in Israel and the...

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  • Taub Center Staff