Young Children Below the Poverty Line


In 2018, almost one-third of young children (up to the age of 4) in Israel lived below the poverty line...

Light and Shadow in the Israeli Education System


Nahum Blass, Chair of the Taub Center Education Policy Program, outlines the sensitive points in the education system, noting, in...

The Relationship Between the Death of a Parent or Sibling in Early Childhood and Educational Achievement


The loss of someone close — a parent or sibling — is a shock for everyone, and most certainly for...

Bereavement and its impact on inequality


The Taub Center has published a new study that examines the impact of a loss of a nuclear family member...

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  • Taub Center Staff

The substitutability between class size and instructional hours and its impact on academic achievement


The past few years there is an ongoing discussion regarding large classes in Israel. This study examines the relationship between...

International Exam Scores and Economic Growth


International exams like PISA and TIMSS examine the academic achievement of students, and, according to many, they contain clues regarding...

Free Early Childhood Education: Challenges and Policy Alternatives


The past year has seen increased pressure to expand free early childhood education and care to include all children under...