The Taub Center Health Policy Program focuses on several aspects of the health system, such as trends in national health expenditure, evaluation of the various reforms carried out in the health system, planning in the short and long terms, strategies for dealing with health inequities, health insurance policy and questions of insurance duplicate coverage, and health work force planning in various healthcare professions. The program focuses on a variety of health domains, such as mental health, occupational health, dental health, public and preventive health, inequalities and inequities, public funding, and resource allocation. The Health Policy Program also works in collaboration with other programs in the Taub Center based on the belief that in order to improve the level of health one must understand its many determinants.
Financing the Israeli Healthcare System 1995-2005
14.12.2007This paper examines what has happened in practice to the system over the years with emphasis on how these changes...
Oral and Dental Health: The Responsibility of the State Towards Its Citizens
14.08.2007Morbidity is high and the disparities between population groups are substantial. Public spending on dental health care is the lowest...
- Tuvia Horev Jonathan Mann
The Plan to Reorganize Mental Health Services in Israel, 1972: Factors that Help and Hinder the Reform to Community-Based Mental Health Services
14.08.2007Since the mid-1970s the mental health services have attempted to decrease the number of psychiatric beds and decrease the number of services given...
- Uri Aviram Nicole Dahan
Enacting the National health Insurance Law: Why in 1994?
14.08.2007The legislation regarding national health insurance is among the most important pieces of social legislation of the past decade. Until...
- Bruce Rosen Gabi Bin nun
Health Policy and Legislation: Changing the Rules of the Game
22.07.2007Despite these improvements, there are gaps between population groups in Israel on every one of these indicators - in terms...
- Tuvia Horev
Health Care Services – 2006
14.05.2007The services are legislated by the National Health Insurance Law and are delivered at relatively low private cost. The achievements...
- Yaakov Kop (z”l)