The Health Workforce in Israel During the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Overview


Main findings: At the end of 2020, there were 32,000 physicians in Israel, an increase over the previous year. This...

Interim Report for the First 18 Months of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Israel: Infection, Testing and Hospitalization According to City and Sector


The fourth wave of Covid-19 in Israel is apparently drawing to a close, while at the same time, the emergence...

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  • Taub Center Staff

Variation in Covid Testing, Infections and Hospitalization by Town and Population Sector


By the end of September 2021, about 14% of Israel’s population – 1.2 million people – had been infected by...

Bringing Israel’s South to the center of the policy discussion


The general perception of Israel’s geographic periphery, namely the country’s North and South, is that these regions contain larger concentrations...

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  • Taub Center Staff

A Sociodemographic Profile of the South


This study focuses on changes in the sociodemographic and economic profile of Israel’s Southern District, which broadly includes the Negev....

The Relationship Between Parental Stress and Young Children’s Screen Time During a COVID-19 Driven National Lockdown


This study examines screen use by young children during the first Covid-19 lockdown in Israel. Screen use is a matter...

Looking forward: How we move ahead a year after the coronavirus crisis struck Israel


In these early months of 2021, Israel has been both evaluating the scope of the losses experienced during this unprecedented...

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  • Taub Center Staff