The October War and Its Impact on Israel’s Society and Economy


In this chapter, Taub Center researchers review the impact of the October 7th war on each of the Center's policy...

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  • Taub Center researchers

Are you satisfied with your work? You must have good interpersonal relations


How satisfied are you with your work and how does it impact other areas of your life? Job satisfaction has...

Job Satisfaction in Israel


The research is available in Hebrew only Job satisfaction is influenced by a number of factors. Alongside the monetary rewards...

One-fifth of Israeli’s care for family members. What characterizes them?


A new study by the Taub Center examines the population whose needs and impact on the labor market is almost...

Migration Patterns in Mixed Cities in Israel: Socioeconomic Perspectives


Migration is a change in the permanent residence of a person or group. Migration studies differentiate migration between countries from...

Family member caregivers in Israel: Analysis, characterization, and the impact on the labor market


In Israel, about 1.2 million people are family caregivers for those with disabilities for six months or more, with no...

In honor of International Women’s Day the Taub Center has published recent data on gender disparities in the labor market


A new study, published in time for International Women’s Day, presents recent data on gender wage gaps in the labor...

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  • Taub Center Staff

Gender wage gaps in Israel 2014‒2018


Over the past few decades, there have been changes in the education and employment of women in Israel: their labor...