Celebrating 40 years of positive impact on Israeli society
14.11.2022On Sunday evening, November 13, the Taub Center celebrated 40 years of positive impact on Israeli society at Jerusalem’s Israel Museum. Participants at the celebration included policy makers, representatives from civil society and philanthropy, the Bank of Israel, the Deputy Chief of Mission from the U.S. Embassy, and sixteen Taub Center Board and General Assembly members and their partners, including ten who flew in from overseas to participate in the festivities. The Center’s Past and Current Board Chairs and Founding Endowment Families were recognized for their vision and commitment and Suzie Patt Benvenisti for her decade of leadership. Keynote speaker Professor Manuel Trajtenberg spoke about the Center’s critical role as an independent and nonpartisan research center with a unique ability to bring policy makers from across the political spectrum together. Looking ahead, Taub Center Board Chair Jim Angell noted that ultimately, the importance of the Center is to help create a stronger, more secure and better Israel for all of its citizens. The final highlight of the evening included a spirited musical performance by Israeli singer and songwriter David Broza.