Causes of the Widening Productivity Gaps Between Israel and the OECD: A Multiyear Industry-Level Comparison


This chapter presents a novel detailed multiyear industry-level comparison of labor productivity growth in Israel and in 12 OECD countries...

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  • Eitan Regev Gilad Brand

The Dual Labor Market: Trends in Productivity, Wages and Human Capital in the Economy


The Israeli economy is characterized by a severe duality. At one end are the advanced high-tech industries, with high and...

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  • Gilad Brand Eitan Regev

Kids these days: the socioeconomic situation of young adults in Israel


Each generation embodies its own attributes, values, standards, and work ethic. Generation Y, known as the millennials generation, is composed...

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  • Taub Center Staff

Social Welfare Expenditure


This chapter surveys developments in government allocations for social welfare since the beginning of the millennium, with an emphasis on...

The Relationship Between Social Capital and Health in the Haredi Sector


This chapter seeks to identify the possible reasons for the relatively good health status of Haredim (ultra-Orthodox Jews) in Israel....

Contract Workers in Israel


The public discourse in Israel has dealt extensively with the phenomenon of contract workers: workers employed via a third party,...

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  • Noam Gruber

Occupations at Risk: Computerization Trends in the Israeli Labor Market


In the past few years, there has been a rapid process of technological developments that is changing the face of...

The Increase in the Number of Income Earners and Its Impact on Household Income


The Israeli economy is growing but real wages have not risen since the early 2000s. Reductions in the income tax...