Executive Summary: Emerging Early Childhood Inequality: On the Relationship Between Poverty, Stress, Sensory Stimulation, and Child Development and Achievements


How do experiences in early childhood impact development and achievement? The academic literature indicates that there are various ways in...

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  • Taub Center Staff

Technological Education: Trends and Developments, 2006 to 2017


Under the last four education ministers, the Ministry of Education has focused much of its efforts on increasing the number...

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The Israeli Education System: An Overview


The main developments in the education system in the last years have taken place over four dimensions of the system:...

The Determinants of School Budgets: Per Class and Per Student


The per class and per student budget (the study deals only with budgets allocated by the Ministry of Education) in...

Israel’s Exceptional Fertility


It is widely known that fertility levels in Israel exceed fertility levels in all other developed countries, and that this...

Executive Summary: Welfare Nonprofits in Israel – A Comprehensive Overview


Civil society organizations (or nonprofit organizations) are playing a growing role in the field of welfare in Israel. In 2016,...

Rising Housing Prices and Their Impact on Households’ Ability to Purchase a Home


The rising housing prices of the past decade have reduced the ability of the average Israeli household to purchase a...

Executive Summary: The Income-Expenditure Gap and Household Debt in Israel


How do Israeli households sink into debt? Given the difficulty of assessing actual debt due to data limitations, the gap...