The Battle Against the Coronavirus From the Perspective of the Healthcare System: An Overview
24.12.2020Executive summary Israel’s population is relatively young providing it with an advantage in responding to the coronavirus; however, the healthcare...
The Israeli Labor Market Under the Coronavirus Crisis: An Overview
24.12.2020Prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the labor market in Israel was tight, resilient, and characterized by full...
- Noam Zontag Gil Epstein Avi Weiss
Physicians in Israel: Trends in Characteristics and Training
24.12.2020The total supply of physicians in any given location is determined by two factors: the number of individuals with a...
- Aviad Tur-Sinai Noam Zontag Orna Blondheim Alex Weinreb Dov Chernichovsky
The Social Welfare System and the Coronavirus Crisis: An Overview
23.12.2020After two years of stability with no major initiatives in social welfare policy in Israel, the year of the coronavirus...
The Education System in Israel in the Time of the Coronavirus: Three Alternative Frameworks
23.12.2020The Ministry of Education’s workplan for operating the system since the onset of the crisis has included reinforcing the infrastructure...
Opportunities and Risks to the Education System in the Time of the Coronavirus: An Overview
23.12.2020The education system in Israel, as in other countries, is currently in crisis. The lockdowns imposed to stop the spread...
The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Economy of Israel: An Overview
23.12.2020The coronavirus crisis has had a major impact on trends in the Israeli economy. The researchers at the Taub Center...
Is attending early childhood frameworks in Israel associated with better academic achievements?
16.12.2020Enrollment rates in early childhood education and care (ECEC) frameworks are particularly high in Israel, yet public spending on these...
- Taub Center Staff