The Healthcare System in Israel, 2024
13.01.2025The healthcare chapter of the State of the Nation Report 2024 presents trends in national health expenditure and highlights several...
- Nadav Davidovitch Natan Lev
Competition Among Health Funds: Three Decades of the National Health Insurance Law
25.12.2024The full publication is currently available only in Hebrew. To mark 30 years since the enactment of the National Health...
- Gabi Bin nun Nir Kaidar Ofir Gonen Natan Lev Nadav Davidovitch
Long Term Care in Israel
02.04.2024The population in Israel is aging rapidly and life expectancy is expected to continue to rise. The Taub Center is...
The Healthcare System in Israel: Between the New Normal and the Old One
10.01.2024The health chapter in the 2023 State of the Nation Report presents a picture of the status of health and...
- Nadav Davidovitch Natan Lev Baruch Levi
The October War and Its Impact on Israel’s Society and Economy
25.12.2023In this chapter, Taub Center researchers review the impact of the October 7th war on each of the Center's policy...
- Taub Center researchers
Israel has become one of the world’s leaders in the consumption of narcotic pain
27.04.2023A new study by the Taub Center shows that the rate of consumption of opioids (prescription narcotic pain medication) in...
- Taub Center Staff
Are We Nearing an Opioid Epidemic in Israel?
19.03.2023A new study by the Taub Center presents some serious facts regarding pain relief narcotic consumption and its devastating effects....
- Nadav Davidovitch Yannai Kranzler Oren Miron
Is there an increase in the number of cancer patients in Israel?
01.03.2023In recognition of World Cancer Day, the Taub Center is publishing a new study: "Trends and Gaps in Morbidity and...
- Taub Center Staff
Trends and Gaps in Morbidity and Mortality from Cancer Within Towns in Israel
05.02.2023The full research is available in Hebrew only. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Israel among both men...
Climate Sensitivity and Regulatory Deficiencies: Challenges in the Area of the Environment and Health in Israel
08.01.2023This study was conducted as part of the Taub Center Research and Policy Initiative for Environment and Health which is...
- Maya Sadeh Rakefet Shafran-Natan
The COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case Fatality Rate
29.12.2022Executive Summary This study, conducted by Kyrill Shraberman, examined the differences between countries in their COVID-related mortality rates out of...
Life Expectancy in Israel in 2021: On the Rise Again?
31.03.2022The Covid-19 pandemic halted the upward trend in life expectancy that has prevailed over the last three decades. Instead of...
The School Health Services: Between Privatization and Nationalization
28.03.2022The student health service is an organization with a long history and undeniable importance. Great significance is ascribed to these...
- Taub Center Staff
The School Health Service in Israel: Between Privatization and Nationalization
14.03.2022School health services are a long-standing and central component of the public health service in Israel, although over the past...
The Health Workforce in Israel During the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Overview
26.12.2021Main findings: At the end of 2020, there were 32,000 physicians in Israel, an increase over the previous year. This...
Interim Report for the First 18 Months of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Israel: Infection, Testing and Hospitalization According to City and Sector
25.11.2021The fourth wave of Covid-19 in Israel is apparently drawing to a close, while at the same time, the emergence...
- Taub Center Staff
Bringing Israel’s South to the center of the policy discussion
23.08.2021The general perception of Israel’s geographic periphery, namely the country’s North and South, is that these regions contain larger concentrations...
- Taub Center Staff
A Sociodemographic Profile of the South
07.06.2021This study focuses on changes in the sociodemographic and economic profile of Israel’s Southern District, which broadly includes the Negev....
The Relationship Between Parental Stress and Young Children’s Screen Time During a COVID-19 Driven National Lockdown
24.05.2021This study examines screen use by young children during the first Covid-19 lockdown in Israel. Screen use is a matter...
- Yael Navon Liora Bowers Carmel Blank Dana Shay Yossi Shavit
Looking forward: How we move ahead a year after the coronavirus crisis struck Israel
25.04.2021In these early months of 2021, Israel has been both evaluating the scope of the losses experienced during this unprecedented...
- Taub Center Staff
The Battle Against the Coronavirus From the Perspective of the Healthcare System: An Overview
24.12.2020Executive summary Israel’s population is relatively young providing it with an advantage in responding to the coronavirus; however, the healthcare...
Physicians in Israel: Trends in Characteristics and Training
24.12.2020The total supply of physicians in any given location is determined by two factors: the number of individuals with a...
- Aviad Tur-Sinai Noam Zontag Orna Blondheim Alex Weinreb Dov Chernichovsky
The Coronavirus Crisis and Its Impact on Women in the Labor Market: Permanent Damage or a Short-Term Setback with Long-Term Potential?
16.06.2020Executive Summary With the outbreak of the coronavirus and the shutdown of the economy, many workers were laid off or...
- Liora Bowers
The War on Coronavirus and Its Financing by the Israeli National Health Insurance
14.05.2020This study evaluates the willingness of Israeli society to make economic sacrifices to prevent deaths from coronavirus. How much should...
Can Israel’s coronavirus response protect a neglected healthcare system?
14.04.2020As of this article’s publication, Israel has been doing relatively well in the war against COVID-19 in comparison with other...
- Taub Center Staff
Anticipating the Total Mortality Impact of Coronavirus in Israel
29.03.2020The study’s authors do not expect the number of deaths from the virus to exceed several hundred. However, they highlight...
The Acute Care Hospitalization System in Israel: From a Vision of Decentralization to a Centralized and Out-of-Control Reality
23.12.2019The acute care hospitalization system in Israel is in a state of crisis, due to large gaps between the system’s...
- Dov Chernichovsky Roi Kfir
REALITY CHECK* – Healthy Israelis but an Unhealthy System
14.12.2019* Reality Check: A consideration of the facts, setting aside opinions, preconceptions, and beliefs الإعلان باللغة العربية متاح هنا --------...
- Taub Center Staff
The Healthcare System: An Overview
14.12.2019The Israeli population is relatively healthy compared to other developed countries; life expectancy has continued to rise over the past...
The State of the Acute Care Hospitalization System in Israel
10.08.2019A new Taub Center study (the first in a two-part series) published last month looks at Israel’s hospitalization system and...
- Taub Center Staff
The State of the Acute Care Hospitalization System in Israel
14.07.2019The study looks at the general hospitalization system in Israel and suggests that there are systemic failures in planning, budgeting, and...
- Dov Chernichovsky Roi Kfir
Is there a cure? Addressing challenges in Israel’s healthcare system
14.04.2019Israelis have benefited from the universal health coverage enacted in 1995 following the National Health Insurance Law (NHIL), and they...
- Taub Center Staff
Israel’s Exceptional Fertility
23.12.2018It is widely known that fertility levels in Israel exceed fertility levels in all other developed countries, and that this...
- Alex Weinreb Dov Chernichovsky Aviv Brill
Healthcare in Israel: An Overview
14.12.2018Israel’s current health indicators are potentially quite good, but they reflect past investments in the healthcare system. Today, there are...
Socioeconomics in Israel at a glance: what is the picture of the nation?
21.06.2018The Taub Center’s A Picture of the Nation 2018, generously supported by the Koret Foundation, presents a complex picture of...
- Taub Center Staff
What’s the cost of health – and who’s paying?
14.04.2018Overall, healthcare spending as a share of GDP has remained fairly stable in Israel over the past two decades, weighing...
- Taub Center Staff
The Health of the Arab Israeli Population
14.12.2017The full chapter can be accessed using the link on the right. The chapter deals with the health status of the Arab...
- Dov Chernichovsky Bishara Bisharat Liora Bowers Aviv Brill Chen Sharony
Current Developments in the Healthcare System
14.12.2017The full chapter can be accessed using the link on the right. The chapter deals with the most pressing issues in Israel’s...
More and More, the Universal Healthcare System in Israel is not Enough
14.08.2017“Healthcare” has been a major buzzword this summer. In the U.S. certainly, the debate over healthcare – what care should...
- Taub Center Staff
Preparing for the future: long-term care in Israel
14.05.2017The number of elderly Israelis (aged 70 and older) is expected to double from about 610,000 today to about 1.24...
- Taub Center Staff
Manna for all: Who can afford to eat healthy in Israel?
14.04.2017A basic, healthy food basket assures adequate nutrition that is essential for proper body, mind and social functioning. It is...
- Taub Center Staff
Revisiting Israel’s Healthcare Priorities
14.04.2017The study examines the years of healthy life in terms of disease burden, a measure that takes into account both disability/poor...
- Liora Bowers Dov Chernichovsky
Long-Term Care in Israel: Funding and Organization
28.02.2017Long-Term Care in Israel: Funding and Organization The share of Israelis aged 70 and older is projected to double in...
- Dov Chernichovsky Avigdor Kaplan Eitan Regev Yochanan Shtessman
Why Is Men’s Life Expectancy So High in Israel?
14.12.2016This chapter examines the factors responsible for the high life expectancy of Israeli men, with Israel ranked among the top...
Introduction: Needs and Funding in Israel’s Healthcare System: General Trends
14.12.2016The Israeli healthcare system has many achievements to its credit, at least regarding its relative contribution to Israel’s high life...
Private Expenditure on Healthcare in Israel
14.12.2016National healthcare expenditures can be split into two categories: public expenditures, funded by the state, and private expenditures funded by...
- Dov Chernichovsky Haim Bleikh Eitan Regev
A Healthy Food Basket in Israel
14.12.2016Access to a healthy food basket, which guarantees adequate nutrition, is essential for optimal physical, mental, cognitive and social functioning...
- Janetta Azarieva Ben Ariyan Rivka Goldschmit Avidor Ginsberg Ron Milman Dov Chernichovsky
Waiting for Care: Queues in Israel’s Hospitals
14.11.2016Waiting for Care: Queues in Israel’s Hospitals A recent Taub Center policy brief finds that within Israel’s public hospital...
- Taub Center Staff
Your Place in Line: Waiting Times in Israel’s Public Hospitals
07.08.2016Patients in Israel face disparities in waiting times for medical care based on the location of the hospital (periphery versus...
- Liora Bowers Dov Chernichovsky
Live Long and Prosper: Health in the Haredi Community
14.05.2016Most studies show a positive significant correlation between socioeconomic status and life expectancy. Put simply, on average, the higher a...
- Taub Center Staff
The Relationship Between Social Capital and Health in the Haredi Sector
14.12.2015This chapter seeks to identify the possible reasons for the relatively good health status of Haredim (ultra-Orthodox Jews) in Israel....
- Dov Chernichovsky Chen Sharony
Mental Health Reform: Pitfalls and Prospects
14.07.2015This reform, which shifts responsibility for inpatient and ambulatory mental healthcare services to the health funds (HMOs), involves a significant...
- Uri Aviram Sagit Azary-Viesel
Objectives and Recommendations for the 34th Government of Israel
21.05.2015Center researchers have mapped the challenges facing the country in the fields of macroeconomics, the labor market, education, social services,...
- Taub Center Staff
Vote Smart Israel – Healthcare
14.03.2015Each brief is a quick read and provides a snapshot of each issue at large in just a few lines....
- Taub Center Staff
Financing and Work Force Issues in Israel’s Healthcare System
14.12.2014Both of these problems pose a risk to Israel's good performance with regard to its population’s health. In contrast to...
- Dov Chernichovsky Eitan Regev
Health Status and Healthcare System Budgeting in Israel in the Context of Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)
14.12.2014While accepted metrics in the healthcare system in Israel and in general often evaluate mortality, the Disability-Adjusted Life Years measure...
- Dov Chernichovsky Liora Bowers
Is There a Doctor (or Nurse) in the House?
14.07.2014Some actions have been taken in recent years to reverse these trends and it remains to be seen if these...
- Taub Center Staff
Hot Issues in Israel’s Healthcare System
14.03.2014The Israeli healthcare system has long produced good comparative healthcare outcomes on a range of indicators – low infant mortality,...
- Liora Bowers
Reforms are Needed to Increase Public Funding in Israel’s Health System
14.11.2013However, a decline in the ratio of physicians to population that reached a modern low in 2006, an approximate ten-percentage-point...
The Law for Rehabilitation in the Community of Persons with Mental Disabilities: An Interim Appraisal
14.11.2013Besides reviewing the reform’s accomplishments and its contribution to the changes that have occurred in mental health services, the article...
- Uri Aviram
Trends in Israel’s Healthcare System
14.11.2013However, the healthcare system continues to play a role in widening income gaps; it also continues to exhibit a loss...
- Dov Chernichovsky Eitan Regev
Privatization of Social Services in Israel
21.03.2013Prof. Reuben Gronau, a Policy Fellow in the Taub Center’s Economic Policy Program and an economist at the Hebrew University,...
- Taub Center Staff
Changes in Healthcare System Allocation to Promote Equality between Center and Periphery: Is it for Real?
14.03.2013This represents about 80 percent of the total public budget for financing medical services in Israel – the services given...
Israel’s Population: Deceptively Young
14.03.2013Due to Israel’s high birth rate and relatively young immigrants prior to the 1990s, its population is characterized by a...
- Taub Center Staff
Israel’s Healthcare System
14.12.2012Rather than aiding the public part of the system to cope with the challenge, the State has exacerbated the situation...
- Dov Chernichovsky Eitan Regev
The “Americanization” of Healthcare Financing in Israel
14.11.2011Both in terms of healthcare outcomes and costs, the United States has underperformed over the last four decades when compared...
- Taub Center Staff
Israel’s Healthcare System
14.10.2011Manpower increases were recently authorized for the system, and access to healthcare in Israel’s periphery is expanding. Some of these...
A “Malignant Growth” in the Share of Private Expenditure for Healthcare and its Price
14.07.2011The situation exposes the system to increasingly to market failures and which are particularly problematic in Israel due to the...
- Dov Chernichovsky Ronni Gamzu Guy Navon
Dental Care in Israel – Still Out of Bounds
14.03.2011Israelis have had national healthcare coverage since 1995. Even before then, access to basic medical care was almost universal and...
- Taub Center Staff
How Healthy?
14.09.2010The Israeli health system has shown notable achievement in improving outcomes for all citizens both in absolute and relative terms...
- Taub Center Staff
Dental Health: The Burden on Households – Implications for National Health Insurance
14.05.2010Expenditure on private insurance is common amongst a very low percentage of households and primarily in the higher income quintiles....
- Guy Navon Dov Chernichovsky
The Healthcare System
14.04.2010Private funding currently represents about 43 percent of the overall funding, the highest beyond the United States among the developed...
The Health Care System – 2007
14.04.2008Life expectancy in Israel is among the highest in the world (especially among men) and infant mortality is below the...
- Yaakov Kop (z”l)
Financing the Israeli Healthcare System 1995-2005
14.12.2007This paper examines what has happened in practice to the system over the years with emphasis on how these changes...
Inequality in Health and in the Healthcare System
20.09.2007There is a danger of these gaps being ignored within the health system. The Center calls for adopting a concrete...
- Leon Epstein Tuvia Horev
The Plan to Reorganize Mental Health Services in Israel, 1972: Factors that Help and Hinder the Reform to Community-Based Mental Health Services
14.08.2007Since the mid-1970s the mental health services have attempted to decrease the number of psychiatric beds and decrease the number of services given...
- Uri Aviram Nicole Dahan
Enacting the National health Insurance Law: Why in 1994?
14.08.2007The legislation regarding national health insurance is among the most important pieces of social legislation of the past decade. Until...
- Bruce Rosen Gabi Bin nun
Oral and Dental Health: The Responsibility of the State Towards Its Citizens
14.08.2007Morbidity is high and the disparities between population groups are substantial. Public spending on dental health care is the lowest...
- Tuvia Horev Jonathan Mann
Health Policy and Legislation: Changing the Rules of the Game
22.07.2007Despite these improvements, there are gaps between population groups in Israel on every one of these indicators - in terms...
- Tuvia Horev
Health Care Services – 2006
14.05.2007The services are legislated by the National Health Insurance Law and are delivered at relatively low private cost. The achievements...
- Yaakov Kop (z”l)
Preventive Medicine for Pregnant Women and Their Children: At a Crossroads
14.03.2006In the past this branch has dealt with regulating disease; in the past few decades the challenge has been widened...
- Chava Palti
The Relationship Between Community Medicine and the Hospital System
14.01.2006In practice, the relationships within the medical services – between hospitals and sick funds – is becoming ever more complex....
- Yuval Weiss Yair Birnbaum Shlomo Mor-Yosef
Equity and Accessibility to Emergency Medical Services
22.12.2005Now, more than 10 years later, there is no equality in accessibility to emergency medical services. This study examines the...
- Kobi Peleg
Health Care Services – 2005
14.12.2005The credit for these achievements, as has been noted in the past, definitely belongs to the caliber and quality of...
- Yaakov Kop
Court Ruling Determinants of Health Policy
22.05.2005These studies underline the fact that because Israel has no "basic law' relating to health, judicial court rulings have become...
- Tuvia Horev
Summary of Findings – Israel’s Social Services 2004
22.12.2004Main findings are presented in the following areas: Economic Developments and Government Expenditure; Education; Health Care; Personal Social Services; Transfer...
- Yaakov Kop
Health Care Services – 2004
22.12.2004The challenge facing the system, primarily in view of changes towards increased private funding, is to maintain and improve the...
- Yaakov Kop
Mental Health Reform in Israel
22.12.2004Israel, like many other countries in the world, is in need of mental health reform. Wise implementation of reform will...
- Avner Elizur Yehuda Baruch Yaakov Lerner Mordechai Shani
Summary of Findings – Israel’s Social Services 2003
22.12.2003Findings in the following areas are presented: Government Expenditure; Education System; Health Services; Personal Social Services. This is a part...
- Yaakov Kop
- Yaakov Kop
The Capitation Mechanism and the Public Allocation to Health Services in Israel
14.12.2003This paper is in Hebrew only....
- Irit Zmora Dov Chernichovsky Amir Shmueli
Equity and the Israeli Health Care System: Relative Poverty as a Health Risk Factor
14.07.2003This paper examines the health according to socioeconomic indices, looks at the effects of socioeconomic factors on health, deals with...
- Dov Chernichovsky Yehudit Elkana Jonathan Anson Anat Shemesh
- Yaakov Kop (z”l)
- Yaakov Kop (z”l)
Action Plan – Long-Term Care Services
14.12.1999First, we describe the extent of the problem occasioned by the exclusion of long-term inpatient care from the services covered...
- Jacob Menczel
Action Plan – Health Services
14.12.1999Another goal was to create an inclusive and comprehensive package of services – including components that the health funds had...
- Arie Shirom
Health System – 1999-2000
14.12.1999Is Israel’s national health expenditure high by the standards of the industrialized countries to which Israel is usually compared? What major...
- Yaakov Kop
Health Services – 1998-99
14.11.1998Truth to tell, even before the law was enacted the health system suffered from ongoing crises, but this law was...
- Jimmy Weinblatt Yosef Katan Joel Blankett Nachum Blass Dalit Nachshon-Sharon Yaakov Kop
- Yaakov Kop
Incorporation of Public Hospitals in Israel: Assessment of Development and Policy Alternatives
20.11.1997This publication is available in Hebrew only....
- Arie Shirom Nahum Egoz Gabi Bin nun Haim Doron Dan Michaeli Jacques Michel Dov Chernichovsky
Mental Health Services at a Crossroads: Prospects and Risks in View of the State Health Insurance Law
20.11.1997This publication is available in Hebrew only....
- Uri Aviram
Equity in the Israeli Health System
20.09.1997Examination of health system equity in the general context of economic and social development, and in particular in the context...
- Dov Chernichovsky Arie Shirom
National Expenditure on Education and Health
20.02.1997The study shows the the performance of expenditure on civilian public consumption declined markedly in 1994-1995, meaning the the public...
- Yaakov Kop
Government Expenditure on Social Services 1994-1995
08.08.1996This report analyzes actual government outlays for social services in 1994 and the budget for 1995. The findings are analyzed...
- Joel Blankett Jimmy Weinblatt Yaakov Kop (z”l) Dalit Nachshon-Sharon Yosef Katan
Private Medical Service in Public Hospitals: Situation and Assessment
14.01.1996This publication is in Hebrew only. Publication available upon request....
- Arie Shirom
Israel Towards the Twenty First Century – Social Report
20.11.1995The overarching examples of change looked at here in education, health, and income maintenance point to the emergence of new...
- Chaim Adler Sergio DellaPergola Shmuel N. Eisenstadt Ruth Gavison Yosef Katan Yaakov Kop Moshe Lissak Jacques Michel Emanuel Sharon Arie Shirom Jimmy Weinblatt
Preventive Health Care Services in Israel: The Present Situation and Policy Alternatives
20.11.1994This publication is available upon request and is in Hebrew only....
- Arie Shirom
National Health Spending
20.09.1988This paper appears as a chapter in the Center's annual publication, Israel's Social Services 1987-1988. This publication did not appear...
- Gur Ofer
The Organization of Health Services in an Era of Economic Crisis
20.06.1987The views expressed by the participants are their own, and not necessarily those of the organizations they represent. This collection...
- Joel Blankett Kalman J. Mann Aviva Ron Eric Peritz Jacques Michel Arnold Rosin Lotte Salzberger Gabi Bin nun Gur Ofer
National Expenditure on Education and Health – 1985
04.04.1986First, we expand the discussion to include expenditures on social services by all active participants in the social field in...
- Gur Ofer